U5 Wood


Try to answer these questions with the first idea that comes to mind.
Trata de contestar estas preguntas con la primera idea que te venga a la mente

1. Why are boats made of wood?
¿Por qué los botes se hacen de madera?
2. What is the easiest way to cut a plank? Why?
¿Cuál es la forma más fácil de cortar un tablón? ¿Por qué?.
3. Are woods renewable? And recyclable?.
¿Son las maderas renovables? ¿Y reciclables?

No matter whether you do not understand them or you can't answer them by now... I promise you'll get it at the end of this unit.
No te preocupes si no las entiendes o no puedes responderlas por ahora. Te prometo que lo conseguirás al final de la unidad.

Let's get started.

1. Lesson plan

A technical material is a common material used for manufacturing goods, but...do you still remember the technical materials?

1. Wood
2. Metals
3. Plastics
4. Stones
5. Ceramics
6. Textiles

Before taking a close look at this lesson (Profundizar en este tema) we're going to learn the vocabulary you'll need to understand most of the contents.

quizlet vocabulary

And now, if you're ready to know what all this lesson is about, we can take a look to the objectives, contents, assessment criteria, competences ... this lesson deals with by clicking the following link.

Just before going into further details, here you have the summary of this lesson  and the activities related to.

2. Lesson Planning Process

Session 1:  Getting started.

Cover and index of this lesson.
1. Definition of wood
2. Parts of a tree trunk
3. Properties of wood

Students will create the cover of this lesson on their notebooks and they will copy the index.
Los alumnos elaborarán la portada e indice de la unidad didáctica
Then they will do the initial warming activities to rescue their background knowledge.
A continuación realizarán las actividades iniciales de calentamiento para el rescate de saberes previos.
Next they'll pay attention to the teacher's explanations about isssues 1-3 in a colaborative environment.
Seguidamente atenderán a las explicaciones del profesor sobre los puntos 1, 2 y 3 de los apuntes creando un ambiente participativo.
Finally they will do the activities to reinforce the learning contents.
Finalmente realizaran las actividades para consolidar los aprendizajes.
They'll be reminded that they must read issues 4 and 5 for the next class and paste them in their notebooks. They must also underline the words they don't know and look for their meanings.
Se les recordará que para la clase siguiente deberán leer los puntos 5 y 5 así como pegarlos en su cuaderno. Deberán también subrayar las palabras que no conocen y buscar su significado.


  1. Let's get started! Cover and Index (10 minutes). ¡Comencemos!
    Students will create a cover of this lesson on their notebooks which contains the name and number of this unit and a representative drawing.
    Los alumnos elaborarán en su cuaderno una portada (cover) del tema incluyendo el número de la unidad didáctica, el nombre y un dibujo que lo identifique y sea representativo de ella.
    Then they will copy the main items of this lesson on their notebooks and they will leave the back of the cover in blank in order to complete it with the initial activities and the vocabulary of this unit as far as they don't understand or remember the meaning of words or expressions dealt at class.
    Los alumnos copiarán en su cuaderno los puntos principales que contiene el tema, dejarán la cara posterior de la portada para las actividades iniciales y el vocabulario de la unidad que irán completándolo conforme se desarrolle la unidad, con aquellas palabras o expresiones singulares que hasta el momento no conociera.

  2. Initial Activities...
    • Activity nº1.- Cover and Index.
      Portada e índice.
    • Cover



      1. Definition of wood
      2. Parts of a tree trunk
      3. Properties of wood
      4. How to process wood
      5. Preparation of wood
      6. Wood classification
      7. Wood derivatives
      8. Cellulose materials
      9. Equipment, tools and machines

    • Activity nº2.- Copy and answer the questions shown in the "Intro" in your notebook and share your opinion with the group.
      Copia y responde a las preguntas mostradas en la "Intro" en tu cuaderno y comparte tu opinión con el resto del grupo.
      1. Why are boats made of wood?
      2. What is the easiest way to cut a plank? Why?
      3. Are woods renewable? And recyclable?

  3. Watch these videos (10 minutes).
    Se verán los siguientes 2 videos. El primer video se reproducirá al menos 2 veces.
    Let's talk about!
    • Activity nº1.- Answer these questions in your notebook and share your opinion with the group.
      Contesta a estas preguntas en tu cuaderno y comparte tu opinión con el resto del grupo.
      1. Why are boats made of wood? 2. What is the easiest way to cut a plank? Why? 3. Are woods renewable? And recyclable?

  4. Brief teacher's explanations (10 minutes)
    Teacher will explain the first 4 items of this lesson providing the students with real examples.

  5. Activities competition (25 minutes)
  6. Homework.
    • Task 1. Read points 1 to 6 of this lesson and paste all them in your notebook, underline the words you don't know and look for their translations. If you want you can translate all the lesson using this on-line app.
      Lee los puntos del 1 al 6 de este tema y pégalos en tu cuaderno, subraya las palabras que no entiendas y busca sus significados. Si quieres puedes traducir todo el tema usando esta aplicación on-line.
    • Task 2. Complete the activities you didn't finish in class.
      Completa las actividades que no terminaste en clase