U1. Technological process (2ºESO)


Try to answer these questions with the first idea that comes to mind.
Trata de contestar estas preguntas con la primera idea que te venga a la mente

1. Would you be able to live without any of the devices you use daily?
¿Serías capaz de vivir sin alguno de los dispositivos que utilizas diariamente?
2. Do you think technology has improved the society's development? Give an example
¿Crees que la tecnología ha mejorado el desarrollo de la sociedad? Pon un ejemplo.
3. Is it possible to understand how an object works by analysing its parts? Set an example of a situation in which you required to disassemble (dismantle) an object to fix it.
¿Es posible entender como funciona un objeto analizando sus partes? Pon un ejemplo de una situación en la que precisastes desmontar un objeto para arreglarlo.
4. Is a workshop similar to other classrooms? What does it look like?
¿Se parece el taller a las otras clases? ¿A qué se parece?.
5. What factors determine (do we have to take into account concerning) technology? Think of different examples of houses and differenciate them to find out these factors.
¿De qué factores depende la tecnología? Piensa en varios ejemplos de casas y establece las diferencias entre ellas para averiguar esos factores.
6. What kind of rules do we have to obey when developing a project?
¿Qué tipo de normas debemos cumplir cuando desarrollamos un proyecto?.

No matter whether you do not understand them or you can't answer them by now... I promise you'll get it at the end of this unit.
No te preocupes si no las entiendes o no puedes responderlas por ahora. Te prometo que lo conseguirás al final de la unidad.

Let's get started.

1. Lesson plan

What is technology?
Do you have a clear idea of what it means?

Before taking a close look at this lesson (Profundizar en este tema) we're going to learn the vocabulary you'll need to understand most of the contents.

And now, if you're ready to know what all this lesson is about, we can take a look to the objectives, contents, assessment criteria, competences ... this lesson deals with by clicking the following link.

Just before going into further details, here you have the summary of this lesson  and the activities related to.

2. Lesson Planning Process

Session 1:  Getting started.

Cover and index of this lesson.
1. Definition of technology
2. Technological process stages
3. Technological process factors
4. The workshop

Students will create the cover of this lesson on their notebooks and they will copy the index.
Los alumnos elaborarán la portada e indice de la unidad didáctica
Then they will do the initial warming activities to rescue their background knowledge.
A continuación realizarán las actividades iniciales de calentamiento para el rescate de saberes previos.
Next they'll pay attention to the teacher's explanations about isssues 1-4 in a colaborative environment.
Seguidamente atenderán a las explicaciones del profesor sobre los puntos 1, 2, 3 y 4 de los apuntes creando un ambiente participativo.
Finally they will do the activities to reinforce the learning contents.
Finalmente realizaran las actividades para consolidar los aprendizajes.
They'll be reminded that they must read issues 5 and 6 for the next class and paste them in their notebooks. They must also underline the words they don't know and look for their meanings.
Se les recordará que para la clase siguiente deberán leer los puntos 5 y 6 así como pegarlos en su cuaderno. Deberán también subrayar las palabras que no conocen y buscar su significado.


  1. Let's get started! Cover and Index (10 minutes). ¡Comencemos!
    Students will create a cover of this lesson on their notebooks which contains the name and number of this unit and a representative drawing.
    Los alumnos elaborarán en su cuaderno una portada (cover) del tema incluyendo el número de la unidad didáctica, el nombre y un dibujo que lo identifique y sea representativo de ella.
    Then they will copy the main items of this lesson on their notebooks and they will leave the back of the cover in blank in order to complete it with the vocabulary of this unit as far as they don't understand or remember the meaning of words or expressions dealt at class.
    Los alumnos copiarán en su cuaderno los puntos principales que contiene el tema, dejarán la cara posterior de la portada para el vocabulario de la unidad que irán completándolo conforme se desarrolle la unidad, con aquellas palabras o expresiones singulares que hasta el momento no conociera.

  2. Watch these videos (15 minutes).
    Se verán los siguientes 2 videos. El primer video se reproducirá al menos 2 veces.
    Let's talk about!
    • Activity nº1.- Answer these questions in your notebook and share your opinion with the group.
      Contesta a estas preguntas en tu cuaderno y comparte tu opinión con el resto del grupo.
      1. What do you consider are the top 5 most important invention ever (of all time)? Why?
      2. Could you set them in chronological order?
      3. What inventions do you think will show up in future? Explain their pros and cons.

  3. Brief teacher's explanations (10 minutes)
    Teacher will explain the first 4 items of this lesson providing the students with real examples.

  4. Activities competition (25 minutes)
    • Activity nº1.- Now solve the first page of activities in pairs. (15 minutes)
      If you are one of the 5 first pairs to finish all the activities, you will get extra points.
      Ahora resuelve la primera hoja de actividades en parejas. Las 5 primeras que acaben todas las actividades ganaran puntos extra.
    • Activity nº2.- Solutions. (10 minutes)
      The teacher will choose randomly one of you to resolve the activities.
      El profesor eligirá aleatoriamente alguno de vosotros para resolver las actividades.
  5. Homework.
    • Task 1. Read points 1 to 6 of this lesson and paste all them in your notebook, underline the words you don't know and look for their translations. If you want you can translate all the lesson using this on-line app.
      Lee los puntos del 1 al 6 de este tema y pégalos en tu cuaderno, subraya las palabras que no entiendas y busca sus significados. Si quieres puedes traducir todo el tema usando esta aplicación on-line.
    • Task 2. Timeline.
      Look at this link and make a timelime in a piece of paper of your notebook using drawings or pictures with your top 20 inventions that changed our world of all time.
      Here you have some examples.
      Observa este enlace y haz una línea del tiempo en una hoja de tu cuaderno usando dibujos o imágenes con el top 20 de inventos que cambiaron el mundo. Observa los ejemplos

Session 2:  Tasks to do in each stage. The workshop team.


2. Tasks to do in each stage.
5. Responsibilities of every member in a workshop team.

Students will do the initial warming activities to rescue their background knowledge.
Los alumnos realizarán las actividades iniciales de calentamiento para el rescate de saberes previos.
Next they'll pay attention to the teacher's explanations about isssues 2 and 5 in a colaborative environment.
Seguidamente atenderán a las explicaciones del profesor sobre los puntos 2 y 5 de los apuntes creando un ambiente participativo.
Finally they will do the activities to reinforce the learning contents.
Finalmente realizaran las actividades para consolidar los aprendizajes.
They'll be reminded that they must read issue 6 and paste all them for the next class. They must also underline the words they don't know and look for their meanings.
Se les recordará que para la clase siguiente deberán leer el punto 6 y pegarlos en su cuaderno. Deberán también subrayar las palabras que no conocen y buscar su significado.


  1. Let's get started!  What's the difference between a group and a team? (5 minutes).
    ¡Comencémos!¿Cuál es la diferencia entre un grupo y un equipo?
    Students will answer this question in their notebooks individually before watching the following video.
    Los alumnos contestarán a esta pregunta de forma individual en su cuaderno antes de ver el siguiente video.

  2. Watch this video twice (15 minutes).
    This video will be played twice. Before watching the video for the first time, students will be warned by telling them that they try to understand the overall message and write down the words they don't understand during the video. Just after this, doubts will be resolved and the teacher will ask the whole group the previous question. The answers will be written down on the blackboard. Next it will be played one more time and it will be completed the chart with the differences between them.
    Se verá el siguiente video al menos 2 veces. Previamente se les pedirá a los alumnos que intenten entender el mensaje general (moraleja) y que vayan apuntando en su cuaderno aquellas palabras que no entiendan. Tras visualizarlo una primera vez se resolverán las dudas y se plateará de forma grupal la pregunta anterior. Las diferencias aportadas se anotarán en la pizarra. A continuación se volverá a visualizar el video y se completará en la pizarra las diferencias entre ambos tipos de agrupamiento.
  3. Brief teacher's explanations (10 minutes)
    Teacher will explain the constents of this session providing the students with real examples.

  4. Activities competition (25 minutes)
    • Activity nº1.- Now solve in pairs the activities the teacher indicates from the second page of activities. (15 minutes)
      If you are one of the 5 first pairs to finish all the activities, you will get extra points.
      Ahora resuelve en parejas las actividades de la segunda hoja de actividades que indique el profesor. Las 5 primeras que acaben todas las actividades ganaran puntos extra.
    • Activity nº2.- Solutions. (10 minutes)
      The teacher will choose randomly one of you to resolve the activities.
      El profesor eligirá aleatoriamente alguno de vosotros para resolver las actividades.
  5. Homework.
    • Task 1. Read point 6 of this lesson and paste it in your notebook, underline the words you don't know and look for their translations. If you want you can translate all the lesson using this on-line app.
      Lee el punto 6 de este tema y pégalo en tu cuaderno, subraya las palabras que no entiendas y busca sus significados. Si quieres puedes traducir todo el tema usando esta aplicación on-line.
    • Task 2. .
      Complete the activities from the second page.
      Completa las actividades de la segunda hoja.

Session 3:  Health & Safety rules


6. Health and safety rules.

Students will do the initial warming activities to rescue their background knowledge.
Los alumnos realizarán las actividades iniciales de calentamiento para el rescate de saberes previos.
Next they'll pay attention to the teacher's explanations about the contents in a colaborative environment.
Seguidamente atenderán a las explicaciones del profesor sobre los contenidos de los apuntes creando un ambiente participativo.
Finally they will do the activities to reinforce the learning contents.
Finalmente realizaran las actividades para consolidar los aprendizajes.
They'll be reminded that they must read issues 7,8 and 9 and paste all them for the next class. They must also underline the words they don't know and look for their meanings.
Se les recordará que para la clase siguiente deberán leer los puntos 7,8 y 9 y pegarlos en su cuaderno. Deberán también subrayar las palabras que no conocen y buscar su significado.


  1. Let's get started! 
    What's the difference between hazard and risk? What rules do workers have to obey when working in a building site in order to avoid risks?
    What rules do you suggest we have to follow in the workshop in order to prevent hazards? (5 minutes).

    ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre peligro y riesgo?
    ¿Qué normas tienen que obedecer los obreros que trabajan en una obra para evitar riesgos?
    ¿Qué normas sugieres que tenemos que seguir en el taller para prevenir los peligros?

    Students in pairs will answer these questions in their notebooks before watching the following video.
    Los alumnos contestarán a esta pregunta en parejas en su cuaderno antes de ver el siguiente video.

  2. Watch this video twice (10 minutes).
    This video will be played twice. Before watching the video for the first time, students will be warned by telling them that they try to understand the overall message and write down the words they don't understand during the video. Just after this, doubts will be resolved and the teacher will ask the whole group the previous questions. The answers will be written down on the blackboard. Next it will be played one more time and it will be completed the chart with the differences between them.
    Se verá el siguiente video al menos 2 veces. Previamente se les pedirá a los alumnos que intenten entender el mensaje general (moraleja) y que vayan apuntando en su cuaderno aquellas palabras que no entiendan. Tras visualizarlo una primera vez se resolverán las dudas y se plateará de forma grupal la pregunta anterior. Las diferencias aportadas se anotarán en la pizarra. A continuación se volverá a visualizar el video y se completará en la pizarra las diferencias entre ambos tipos de agrupamiento.
  3. Brief teacher's explanations (10 minutes)
    Teacher will explain the constents of this session providing the students with real examples.

  4. Activities competition (25 minutes)
    • Activity nº1.- Now solve in pairs the activities the teacher indicates from the second page of activities. (15 minutes)
      If you are one of the 5 first pairs to finish all the activities, you will get extra points.
      Ahora resuelve en parejas las actividades de la segunda hoja de actividades que indique el profesor. Las 5 primeras que acaben todas las actividades ganaran puntos extra.
    • Activity nº2.- Solutions. (10 minutes)
      The teacher will choose randomly one of you to resolve the activities.
      El profesor eligirá aleatoriamente alguno de vosotros para resolver las actividades.
  5. Homework.
    • Task 1. Read point 7,8 and 9 of this lesson and paste all them in your notebook, underline the words you don't know and look for their translations. If you want you can translate all the lesson using this on-line app.
      Lee los puntos 7,8 y 9 de este tema y pégalos en tu cuaderno, subraya las palabras que no entiendas y busca sus significados. Si quieres puedes traducir todo el tema usando esta aplicación on-line.
    • Task 2. .
      Complete the activities from the second page.
      Completa las actividades de la segunda hoja.

Tips for the Exam

Os recuerdo que podéis utilizar la herramienta google traductor si no os acordáis del significado de alguna de las palabras que aparecen más abajo, pese a que todas las hemos trabajado y visto en clase.
Para ello podéis seleccionar el texto y al pulsar el boton derecho del ratón os aparecerá un menú contextual auxiliar que os permitirá copiar el texto seleccionado. A continuación pega ese texto en google traductor y obtendrás el significado.
Otra forma de hacerlo es seleccionando el texto con el ratón y pulsar en el teclado del ordenador las teclas "Ctrl" y "C". Dirígete a google traductor y pega el texto seleccionado con las teclas "Ctrl" y "V".

In order to provide you with a clear idea of our first exam, here you have the contents you should have studied:

  1. What is technology? (Learn it by heart)
    Remember: TECHNO - LOGY Definition
  2. What are the main stages of TECHNOLOGY? (Learn it by heart)
  3. What are the elements of technology? I mean the factors technology depends on them.(Learn it by heart).
  4. What are the tasks we have to do in each stage? For instance "example" , quality control test, the quotation, drawings, searching for information....(Just only recognizing them)
  5. Make a quotation "Presupuesto" using a table "una tabla como las trabajadas en clase que contenga nº de concepto, nº de unidades, descripción de cada elemento, precio unitario, precio total" . (Knowing how to solve it)
    Review exercises about it. Just knowing how to use the same measure unit...if you have cent perhaphs you will have to convert them into euros or cm x cm into m2.
  6. What are the roles in a workshop group? and their activities of course. (Just only remembering them)
    Remember: Coordinator-Secretary- Responsible for the materials- Responsible for tools- Responsible for health and safety- In charge of cleaning
  7. What are the types of signs in a workshop? Definition of each group
  8. What are the different analysis of an object? Which of them include a task .... such as "the drawing of the object" or any other?
  9. What are the pros and cons (advantages and desadvantages) of technology? Impact on the environment.
  10. What are the main functions or departments in a company and what they do.
  11. What are the characteristics of a workshop? Areas-tools-equipment.
  12. What are health or safety rules for? What are health rules and what are safety rules?

All these question have been worked out in class throughout the homework you should have done and we've already solved them.

Good luck!!

Recuerda que "learn it by heart" significa aprendérselo de memoria.
Como habrás visto no es más que todo lo que hemos trabajado en clase.

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